What is an e-Request for Quotation?

An e-Request for Quotation is used to gather prices from suppliers, based on a buyer’s precise idea of what they’d like the market to provide.

Industry example: You need to stock up on biros. You know exactly the specifications (blue, branded etc.), the quantity you need and a target delivery date, so are able to put together a clear, detailed description.

The request is straightforward and the buyer has neither need nor obligation to seek pre-quote information from suppliers, such as complex breakdowns of their proposals or details of how each can offer a unique solution. So in this instance using an e-Request for Information, Tender or Proposal is unnecessary.

Once all quotes from competing suppliers are received, they’re scored based on how well the buyer’s requirements are met, and from there it’s just a case of contacting the top-ranking supplier to let them know their quotation has been accepted.

Put simply, a buyer has identified a specific need and knows just what they require: all they need is to communicate their request to a supplier pool and reach a relatively speedy solution.

An alternative use for an e-Request for Quotation is to arrive at a final selection after an initial round of requests for information or proposal.

SourceDogg provides affordable, powerful and easy-to-use e-sourcing software that allows users to create unlimited e-requests: check out how it could be of benefit to your business.

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